piątek, 27 lipca 2012
Playlista - 21.07.2012
Denial of God - Death and the Beyond
Pendulum Swings
Virus - The Angel That Shapes The Desert
Chromium Sun
Dead Cities of Syria
DHG - Supervillain Outcast
Vendetta Assassin
Supervillain Outcast
Profanatica - Sickened by the Holy Host
Jehovah Fading
Medley (Spilling Holy Blood/I Arose/Final Hour of Christ/Heavenly
Father/Scourging and Crowning)
The Royal Arch Blaspheme - II
When the Cruel Nails Pierced Thy Tender Hands and Feet
Necrovation - Necrovation
New Depths
Witchtrap - Vengeance is my Name
Winds of War
Mongrel's Cross - The Sins of Aquarius
Revelations Transpire
Hellspawn - The Great Red Dragon
Intro to the Revelation
The Revelation of the Great Red Dragon
Ihsahn - Eremita
The Grave
Sathanas - La Hora De Lucifer
Hammer of Demons
Nocturnal Reign
Playlista - 07.07.2012
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism
Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead
Stripped, Raped and Strangled
Fucked With a Knife
I Will Kill You
Mongrel's Cross - The Sins of Aquarius
Indulge the Temple
Necrovation - Necrovation
Necrovorus Insurrection
Pulse of Towering Madness
Demonical - Death Infernal
From Northern Shores
Wywiad z Demonical - Martin Schulman vs. Cyprian Łakomy
Denial of God - Death and the Beyond
Bones Turn to Dust
Lux Occulta - My Guardian Anger
The Heresiarch
Kiss My Sword
The Opening of the Eleventh Sephirah
Nude Sophia
Library on Fire
Mane - Tekel - Fares
Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead
Stripped, Raped and Strangled
Fucked With a Knife
I Will Kill You
Mongrel's Cross - The Sins of Aquarius
Indulge the Temple
Necrovation - Necrovation
Necrovorus Insurrection
Pulse of Towering Madness
Demonical - Death Infernal
From Northern Shores
Wywiad z Demonical - Martin Schulman vs. Cyprian Łakomy
Denial of God - Death and the Beyond
Bones Turn to Dust
Lux Occulta - My Guardian Anger
The Heresiarch
Kiss My Sword
The Opening of the Eleventh Sephirah
Nude Sophia
Library on Fire
Mane - Tekel - Fares
Playlista - 30.06.2012
Necrovation – Necrovation
Commander of Remains
Dark Lead Dead
Demonical – Death Infernal
Black Inferno
Darkness Awaits
Xibalba – Hasta La Muerte
Burning Bridge
Hasta La Muerte
Hatespawn – Ascending from the World Below
Abyssic Conquerors
Charon - Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle)
-I- introduction
Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle)
Flagellum Horribils (Trident Lash)
Scythian - To Those Who Stand Against Us...
Astral Assassins
Shattered Idols
Besatt – Templus Apocalypsis
War Gathering
The Prophecy
Belial – Wisdom od Darkness
The Invocation
Of Servant of Belial
Burning Love – Rotten Thing to Say
Superstitious Friend
Made out of Apes
Denial of God – Death and the Beyond
Spectral Lights
Pendulum Swings
Commander of Remains
Dark Lead Dead
Demonical – Death Infernal
Black Inferno
Darkness Awaits
Xibalba – Hasta La Muerte
Burning Bridge
Hasta La Muerte
Hatespawn – Ascending from the World Below
Abyssic Conquerors
Charon - Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle)
-I- introduction
Sulphur Seraph (The Archon Principle)
Flagellum Horribils (Trident Lash)
Scythian - To Those Who Stand Against Us...
Astral Assassins
Shattered Idols
Besatt – Templus Apocalypsis
War Gathering
The Prophecy
Belial – Wisdom od Darkness
The Invocation
Of Servant of Belial
Burning Love – Rotten Thing to Say
Superstitious Friend
Made out of Apes
Denial of God – Death and the Beyond
Spectral Lights
Pendulum Swings
Playlista - 23.06.2012
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist
The Funeral Wind Born in Oriana
Czernyj Woron
Alne - Alne
Przystrojona Słońcem
Piołunowa Dziewczyna
Denial of God - Death and the Beyond
Behind the Coffin's Lid
Ihsahn - Eremita
The Paranoid
Pseudogod - Deathwomb Cathechesis
Vehement Decimation
Mongrel's Cross - The Sins of Aquarius
Lead them from the Promised Land
Hunters of the Born Again
Tortorum - Extinctionist
Gloria in Extinction
Vorkreist - Sigil Whore Christ
De Imitatione Christi
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist
Niebiesnoje Sierebro Peruna
King Diamond - Live Hellfest 2012 (bootleg)
Come to the Sabbath
Eye of the Witch
The Black Horsemen
The Funeral Wind Born in Oriana
Czernyj Woron
Alne - Alne
Przystrojona Słońcem
Piołunowa Dziewczyna
Denial of God - Death and the Beyond
Behind the Coffin's Lid
Ihsahn - Eremita
The Paranoid
Pseudogod - Deathwomb Cathechesis
Vehement Decimation
Mongrel's Cross - The Sins of Aquarius
Lead them from the Promised Land
Hunters of the Born Again
Tortorum - Extinctionist
Gloria in Extinction
Vorkreist - Sigil Whore Christ
De Imitatione Christi
Nokturnal Mortum - Nechrist
Niebiesnoje Sierebro Peruna
King Diamond - Live Hellfest 2012 (bootleg)
Come to the Sabbath
Eye of the Witch
The Black Horsemen
Playlista - 02.06.2012
Kreator - Phantom Antichrist
Mars Mantra
Phantom Antichrist
Mars Mantra
Phantom Antichrist
Your Heaven, My Hell
Infidel - Eviscerate Yourself
Eviscerate Yourself
Chaos Blood Blasphemy
Purified in Blood - Under Black Skies
Storm of Blood
Fear Factory - The Industrialist
God Eater
Crystal Viper - Crimen Excepta
The Spell of Death
Fire Be My Gates
Thaw - Advance
Prong - Carved Into Stone
Eternal Heat
List of Grievances
Moonspell - Alpha Noir
Alpha Noir
Opera Carne
Moloch Letalis - Czeluść
Korytarze Nienawiści
Candlemass - Psalms for the Dead
Six Feet Under - Undead
Near Death ExperienceInfidel - Eviscerate Yourself
Eviscerate Yourself
Chaos Blood Blasphemy
Purified in Blood - Under Black Skies
Storm of Blood
Fear Factory - The Industrialist
God Eater
Crystal Viper - Crimen Excepta
The Spell of Death
Fire Be My Gates
Thaw - Advance
Prong - Carved Into Stone
Eternal Heat
List of Grievances
Moonspell - Alpha Noir
Alpha Noir
Opera Carne
Moloch Letalis - Czeluść
Korytarze Nienawiści
Candlemass - Psalms for the Dead
Six Feet Under - Undead
Playlista - 26.05.2012
Marduk – Serpent Sermon
Serpent Sermon
Escarnium – Excruciating Existence
Excruciating Existence
Death Metal Terror
Kreator – Phantom Antichrist
Civilization Collapse
The Few, the Proud, the Br
Serpent Sermon
Escarnium – Excruciating Existence
Excruciating Existence
Death Metal Terror
Kreator – Phantom Antichrist
Civilization Collapse
The Few, the Proud, the Br
Grand Magus – The Hunt
The Hunt
Son of the Last Breath
Urgehal – Ikonoklast
Holocaust in Utopia
Black Mad Lice – It's Going Deeper
Paradise in Blood
Slayer – Seasons in the Abyss
War Ensemble
Dead Skin Mask
Candlemass – Psalms for the Dead
Dancing in the Temple (Of the Mad Queen Bee)
Psalms for the Dead
The Hunt
Son of the Last Breath
Urgehal – Ikonoklast
Holocaust in Utopia
Black Mad Lice – It's Going Deeper
Paradise in Blood
Slayer – Seasons in the Abyss
War Ensemble
Dead Skin Mask
Candlemass – Psalms for the Dead
Dancing in the Temple (Of the Mad Queen Bee)
Psalms for the Dead
Soulfly we wrześniu w Polsce!
Agencja Go Ahead oraz PW Events mają zaszczyt zaprosić na koncert zepołu SOULFLY.
Grupa prowadzona przez Maxa Cavalerę, byłego lidera Sepultury, przyjedzie do Polski promować swój najnowszy album "Enslaved", wydany w marcu 2012. "Enslaved" to jeden z najbardziej agresywnych i dynamicznych albumów w dorobku zespołu, jednocześnie potwierdza powrót Soulfly do najwyższej formy.
W związku z tym, że obok Soulfly wystąpią zespoły synów Maxa Cavalery: Incite oraz Lody Kong - trasa odbywa się pod hasłem "The Maximum Cavalera Tour". Bilety na koncert m.in. do nabycia w Ticketpro oraz Ebilet, wersja kolekcjonerska na www.pwevents.pl/pl/bilety.html
'The Maximum Cavalera Tour'
INCITE (Richard Cavalera's band)
LODY KONG (Zoyn & Igor Cavalera's band)
16.09 niedz. 19:00 Parlament / Gdańsk
bilety 79/89 pln
do nabycia: Ticketpro.pl, Ebilet.pl, Lotto (CH Manhattan), Puls (Centrum Gemini), Parlament, Pwevents.pl

'The Maximum Cavalera Tour'
INCITE (Richard Cavalera's band)
LODY KONG (Zoyn & Igor Cavalera's band)
16.09 niedz. 19:00 Parlament / Gdańsk
bilety 79/89 pln
do nabycia: Ticketpro.pl, Ebilet.pl, Lotto (CH Manhattan), Puls (Centrum Gemini), Parlament, Pwevents.pl
wtorek, 24 lipca 2012
Brutal Assault 2012 - program festiwalu!
Na oficjalnej stronie festiwalu można znaleźć już rozpiskę dzienną zespołów. Informacja o godzinach występów za kilka dni (wraz z programem i zespołami dla klubowej Budweiser Budvar Stage). Do składu na głównych scenach dochodzą cztery zespoły: doom/pagan metalowcy z białoruskiego GODS TOWER, awangarda z Francji SEBKHA-CHOTT
oraz dwaj weterani czeskiej sceny: deathowy BRUTALLY DECEASED oraz blackmetalowcy z TROLLECH.
czwartek, 19 lipca 2012
Lex Talionis VII już 27 lipca!
Lex Talionis & R'Lyeh' Zine zapraszają na kolejną, siódma edycję imprezy,
tym razem specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy sporą dawkę ekstremalnej muzy
w wykonaniu:
In Torment www.myspace.com/intormentbr (Br)
Amzius www.myspace.com/amzius (Lit)
Offence www.lastfm.pl/music/Offence (Pl)
Sacrofuck www.metal-archives.com/bands/Sacrofuck/3540328704 (Pl)
Klub Fonobar
Wjazd 20zł
Wejście 19:00
tym razem specjalnie dla Was przygotowaliśmy sporą dawkę ekstremalnej muzy
w wykonaniu:
In Torment www.myspace.com/intormentbr (Br)
Amzius www.myspace.com/amzius (Lit)
Offence www.lastfm.pl/music/Offence (Pl)
Sacrofuck www.metal-archives.com/bands/Sacrofuck/3540328704 (Pl)
Klub Fonobar
Wjazd 20zł
Wejście 19:00
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